Wednesday, 16 January 2013

9 common mistakes women make in bed

I posted an article on the most common mistakes men make in bed. Well guess what, ladies It’s YOUR turn. You didn’t think you were getting off free and clear did you? Sure, is geared towards women but that doesn’t mean we can’t check ourselves every once in a while – especially when it comes to sex. While I’m sure a lot of my sistas are holding in down in the bedroom, there could be a few things we probably need to address. Men often say that it is hard (no pun intended) to have bad sex but ladies, please don’t pat your collective selves on the back. We have work to do! Let’s explore these common female frisky faux pas.

1. Dead Fish

The most common complaint I hear from men about women when it comes to sex is that some of them just lay there. They expect a man to just, in the words of Celie, “climb on top of me and do his bid’ness.” Ladies, please say it isn’t so! Now if this is you, let me be clear: he ain’t coming back if you just roll over and play dead. Unless there is some physical challenge you have that keeps you from moving your hips, then MOVE! If you’re not sure what to do, pretend like you’re dancing, find his rhythm and then match it. Now, if he’s a jack rabbit, that may be hard to do…and he’s probably not concerned if you’re not moving anyway because he’s moving too fast for the both of you. But if he’s got a nice, smooth, sensual flow going, then go with him! Don’t just assume that your pretty face and hot body are enough to keep him interested sexually, because if you’re just lying there, it won’t matter. He’ll never come back for more.

2. Silence

If simply laying there motionless is bad, laying there silently is even worse. Men like to know that they’re pleasing you and their egos can’t handle you lying there without so much as even giving them a grunt or a moan or something. He’ll be thinking, “I wonder if she’d rather be watching TV?” Maybe you are laying there wondering when he’ll be finished, but that’s when it’s really your turn to speak up. If you’re not satisfied sexually, tell him what you like and either show or explain to him how to do it. There is no excuse for any grown A$$ woman in 2013 (or these last days of 2012) to not be getting hers sexually, so if he’s wack in bed, you are partly to blame if you don’t speak up. Believe it or not, most men welcome – and are turned on – by a little guidance and direction. By not giving him any feedback, you’re just allowing him to think he’s doing something, and you’re short changing yourself in the process. It’s not about criticizing him, it’s about telling him what pleases you so that you both have a great experience.

3. No Adventure

Okay, so you move and talk a little bit but missionary is about as far as you’ll go. For some men, that may work just fine, but for others…that simply won’t do. He may love you so much that he’ll tolerate your lack of creativity but if you really want to get things poppin’ in the sack, try a different position, talk dirty to him or have sex somewhere other than the bedroom. Spice it up a bit! I know some of you “good girls” might be thinking “eewww! I can’t/won’t do that” but trust and believe, there is another woman out there who will. Now I’m not suggesting that you force yourself to do something that is totally uncomfortable for you or that makes you feel degraded, but simply open your mind up to new possibilities. Don’t turn your nose up at his fantasies or call other women sluts because they like to get down a little differently than you do. Instead, figure out what boundaries you’re willing to cross and then take notes. Watch an adult video to get some ideas. Whatever you do, don’t allow your sex life to become routine.

4. Mismatched Libidos

While I have yet to meet a man who would turn down sex, that’s not the ONLY thing a man may want from you. If you want to jump your man’s bones and he says he has a headache, don’t take offense, get angry or pout. He still loves you, he just wants to relax. Don’t act like you don’t know what that’s like. Some women make the mistake of thinking that men want sex all the time or that he should always be up for it when you are; that’s not the case. While sexual chemistry is definitely important, it isn’t the beginning and end of a relationship – give the man a night off! It doesn’t mean that he’s cheating or doesn’t desire you anymore unless, of course, his disinterest in sex is sudden and unexplained and he otherwise NEVER turns you down. Use your instincts on this one, but just keep in mind that a man is not like a toy that you can crank up with batteries and be ready to go when you want him to. That would be nice though, wouldn’t it?

5. Body Issues

If you are unhappy with your body and are self conscious about your love handles, pooches or droopy breasts, he will probably feel weird too and that’s not hot. Don’t be one of those women who has sex with the lights out or under the covers so that he can’t see you; own your body and embrace your imperfections. If you can’t do that, then do something about it. Hit the gym, eat right and boost your self esteem so that you don’t carry your body issues into the bedroom with you. Chances are you’re probably not really “hiding” anything anyway so if he already wants to have sex with you, he already knows what you’re working with. How you carry yourself is what makes you attractive, so work what you’ve got with confidence and rock his world!

6. Body Odor/Functions

Okay, I know you all know this already, but it needs to be said anyway. Ladies, keep it clean, shaved, trimmed, polished, whatever you need to do to maintain good hygiene. This may mean different things to different women, because some like it hairy, some like it clean of hair – whatever floats your boat. Just make sure everything is “right” down there before you get busy. I know during certain times of the month things might not be as “fresh” as it they could be so pay attention to your body and be a lady about it. Unless you know he’s into that sort of thing, don’t assume a man wants to have sex when your “Aunt Flo” is in town. That could freak him out and nothing traumatizes a man more than his sheets looking like a crime scene when you’re done. If he’s into that though, just lay down some dark colored towels and keep it moving. Well, that’s what I heard.

7. Teeth

If your man is lucky enough to be blessed with oral pleasure, remember rule number one: NO TEETH. Even if they just “graze” him, that could make for a very unpleasant experience. Unless you have dentures, you can’t take them out, so I realize teeth-to-skin contact might be a hard thing to avoid. It simply may take practice, but just be careful. You’re handling delicate man parts when engaging in 0-ral sex, so treat it like ice cream, not a hot dog. And if you have fangs or braces, take EXTRA care…no scraping allowed.

8. Ignoring the REST of His Body

While it may seem that the only part of a man’s body that needs pleasing is between his legs, men have other erogenous zones as well – and he wants you to pay extra attention to them. Guess what ? Men have nipples too, and they are just as sensitive as ours when it comes to hot spots. So pinch them, kiss them, lick them. Take a trip around his body and explore a little bit. Ask him to show you his favorite spots and then tease him during 4play. Yes, that’s right…I said 4play. It isn’t just for us, it’s for him too. We wouldn’t want a man to just focus on our woman space, so do the same for him. Now if your man is the “get straight to business” type, then by all means, ignore everything I just wrote. But I’m willing to bet he’ll enjoy you wandering around his body a little bit longer before going in. Literally and figuratively.

9. Expecting Monogamy After Sex

For a lot of women, sex is the ultimate form of intimacy, and we expect that if we give a man our bodies, then he will give us his heart. WRONG. Not saying all men are “hit it and quit it” type dudes, but unless you’ve had a conversation about your relationship and expectations, don’t think that sex automatically makes him your man. If you’re trying to use sex to manipulate or “trick” him into catching feelings for you, you’ll be in for a rude awakening. If you’ve already managed to catch feelings for him, you should probably hold off on having sex with him until you know his feelings are mutual. Otherwise your feelings will just grow more intense after you have sex with him and you will be in a very bad place. Be honest with yourself about where your relationship truly stands and make sure you’re having sex for the right reasons. If you have a motive, then check yourself, because it could backfire on you. Sex is just sex, until you have the talk.

9 Mistakes Men Make In Bed

Guys, if you’ve managed to have sex with her once, but you now find that she’s MIA after your encounter, chances are you did or said something wrong in the sack and she’s not eager for a repeat. If you get your cues from adult videos or your boys, you might’ve been led astray…and here are 9 things that you might be doing that SOME women hate in bed.

1. No 4-play
4-play begins in your mind, and carries over to her body – her ENTIRE body. It could start with a passionate kiss and if you’re the type of guy who never kisses before, during or after sex, then she may just assume you’re all about yours and she’ll feel neglected. Sex isn’t just about genitalia; it’s about setting the mood, engaging her mind, senses and paying attention to her completely. If you’re just focused on the area between her legs and maybeher breasts, then there’s a 50/50 chance she MIGHT give you another chance; but if you don’t step your 4-play game up, she won’t be calling you back any time soon.

2. Robot Sex
If you move in bed like you’re counting or are hammering at her in a mechanical way, expect to expect to receive a less than excited response. Women (and men) hate boring, predictable, methodical sex that lacks passion, rhythm and excitement. Whether it’s too fast, too slow, if you go on too long or keep stopping, robot sex can leave a woman feeling disconnected – especially if she’s the type who can’t pick up where she left off or needs to build up slowly in order to climax. If you’re a jack rabbit, she won’t want more of that. She’ll just use her toy Rabbit until someone better comes along.

3. Poor Grooming
Nothing is more of a turnoff than a man who has poor hygiene, especially when it comes to sex. Now, it’ll probably be hard to get her to sleep with you at all if you smell funny, but if by some chance she does give you a chance and you’re overly hairy, have dirty fingernails and your breath stinks, don’t expect her to want to roll around with you in the sheets ever again. I’m not saying you have to totally “manscape” – because some women like a scruffy dude – but at least take a shower and trim your nails, especially if you’re going to be using your fingers. It’s only right.

4. Rough or Painful Sex
Speaking of fingers, most women prefer gentle strokes, not moves that indicate you’re digging for gold. And if your nails aren’t trimmed…OUCH!! Then there’s the guy who likes to twiddle your nipples like he’s changing the dial on a radio, or the guy who bites them too hard. Women have delicate parts that should be handled with care, and while there’s nothing wrong with a few “love bites” here and there, pay attention to her to see if she’s making pleasurable faces or if she’s grimacing in pain. Some women are into pain and if she’s one of them, then you have no worries. But if you’re not sure and it’s your first time getting busy, err on the side of being gentle until she screams to you “pull my hair!” Then you can go for it!

5. Too Quiet…or Too Loud
Most men like it when women are vocal during sex and women like to know that he’s enjoying it too. So if you’re the type of guy who is shy, timid or simply quiet, then she may wonder if she’s pleasing you. Sometimes, the sound of heavy breathing is enough for some women but for others, they like to be hear some talking. If you’re at a loss for words, you can at least say her name a few times so that she knows you’re present.
On the flip-side of that, if you never shut up during sex, you may be distracting her from savoring the moment. I’m talking about the guy who asks a million questions during sex: “How’s this?” “Do you like that?” “Am I doing it right?”  Shut up! You should be able to tell if she’s enjoying sex by the way her body responds, not simply by her telling you. There’s nothing wrong with making sure you’re not hurting her or that you’re doing something right, but there comes a time when you must simply keep your mouth shut and handle your business. And don’t bark orders either – she’s just feel like she’s having sex with a drill sergeant, and that’s wack. If you find that you’re talking more and sexing less, then put a muzzle on it and let her guide you.

6. Dirty Talk
While we’re on the subject of talking during sex, not all women like to be talked to like dirty, little sluts. Sure, it may seem cool on adult videos, but if you don’t know if she’s into that or not, then don’t go there until you both are a little more comfortable with each other. Some women totally love to be talked to in a dirty manner, but other women may feel disrespected because it sounds vulgar to them. There’s nothing wrong with dirty talk, but make sure it’s something you’re sure she’ll respond to in a positive manner before you go talking crazy out your mouth.

7. Forcing 0-ral Sex
I’ll just keep this simple – don’t grab the back of her head and “help” her down to your nether regions. I’m serious – do not play yourself like that. If she’s going to do it, she’ll do it. She doesn’t need your help, any clues or smoke signals. If you appear desperate for her to do it, then she probably won’t do it at all…ever. Nudging just makes you look thirsty.

8. Climaxing Too Soon…or Not Soon Enough
I know some men can’t help this, but if you know you’re a 2-minute brother, then you might need to seek out ways to fix that before you jump into bed with a woman for the first time. For some women, it’s not a total deal breaker, especially if you’re good at performing other things that may satisfy her first before you jump the gun. But make sure you’ve honed ALL of your skills if you simply can’t help “getting there” prematurely. [Note: Yes, we know that the first go 'round might result in a "quick release" but make sure you come with the real for round two.]
At the same time, some women aren’t built for marathon sex either. Yes, we may appreciate the extra time since some women take longer than others to climax. But after about 45 minutes to an hour, make sure you haven’t started a small brush fire down there from all the extended friction. It’s all about not being a selfish lover.

9. Not Disposing the Condom
It’s not her job to get rid of the condom, it’s yours. It’s just icky if you don’t dispose of it right and proper way. Don’t leave it leaking on the nightstand or on the floor, that’s just gross, no matter whose house it is. Also, don’t just leave it on expecting her to take it off and throw it away. Be neat and considerate – otherwise you’re just rude and disgusting.

Should Committed Men Be Able To Find Other Women Attractive?

To Like Or Not To Like: Should Committed Men Be Able To Find Other Women Attractive?

Accept that other women are still attractive. This theme came up a few times. You’re beautiful and he loves you, BUT there are other women in the world he might, from time to time, find attractive. A quote from one friend sums it up best, “space is #1, a good wife isn’t smothering, she’s confident enough to let her man hit the streets and follow Draya on Instagram. 
Let’s be clear, these men weren’t advocating for letting your husband blatantly disrespect you by actively pursuing other women on social media or beyond. Still, you should be confident and trustworthy enough to know that just because he “LIKES” a picture on Facebook/Instagram or RTs some cute woman on Twitter, doesn’t mean he’s secretly plotting to run off with that woman the second you turn your back.

Facebook Introduces Graph Search

Facebook Introduces Graph Search, and Big News From 9 Other Social Sites

January 15th, 2013 - By Kimberly Maul

Today, Facebook hosted a press event announcing Graph Search, an internal feature that will help Facebook users find out more detailed information about their friends.
Graph Search is different than more traditional web search because it is designed to answer a question, said Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg during the announcement, not just links to answers. Users can search for people, photos, places, and interests to determine things such as “my college friends living in San Francisco” or “nearby friends who like Game of Thrones” for a viewing party, for example. Results are also ranked by relevance to the user, with close friends showing up as top results.
The search function will allow users to more easily dig through all the friends, data, and content that has been shared with them via Facebook, and it will be privacy aware, only permitting searchers to see what their friends have posted or what is made public by other users.
“When Facebook first launched, the main way most people used the site was to browse around, learn about people and make new connections,” the company said in a press release about the feature. “Graph Search takes us back to our roots and allows people to use the graph to make new connections.”
During the announcement, Zuckerberg, Tom Stocky and Lars Rasmussen, who developed the feature, demonstrated how to use Graph Search for dating, recruiting, and commercial uses, with restaurants as an example. Because Graph Search can bring to light photos of users that had previously been hidden from a user’s Timeline, Facebook is also offering tools and resources to help users understand the privacy implications.
A search function was one of the rumors floating around after Facebook announced its event last week. The media predicts Facebook will work to compete with Google in helping individuals find information and answer questions.
This is the latest news to come out of the social networking site and yet one more thing to keep track of in the constantly-changing social media landscape. Here is a handy guide, keeping you up-to-date with your favorite (and soon-to-be-favorite?) social media sites.

Don't Do This 10 Things In Facebook..If You Are In A Relationship..!

If that you’re in a happy, healthy relationship, there are some Facebook rules that need following to ensure it stays that way. 10 things to never do on Facebook if you are in a relationship:

1. Hide things from your spouse or significant other.
If you don’t want your partner seeing who you’re chatting with online, that’s not a good sign. Facebook should not be a secretive escape from your relationship.

2. Befriend someone of the opposite sex your partner is uncomfortable with.
If your partner is uncomfortable with you “liking” photos of your ex — or chatting with your super-flirty co-worker online — respect his/her wishes. Don’t engage in behavior that will feed insecurities or threaten your partner. If you’re not currently Facebook friends with an ex, don’t add him. Especially in a long-term commitment relationship, you should each trust and respect each other enough to let each other veto online friendships with members of the opposite sex you’re not comfortable with.

3. Keep up old photos of exes.
Even if you never go back and look at old photos, some of your friends might. Respect your new relationship and delete old online mementos of your past relationships.

4. Change your relationship status without talking to your partner.
Relationship statuses should be discussed prior to any online changes. (Don’t abuse the status, either. Wait until it’s serious enough that most of your friends already know you’re dating someone awesome.)

5. Deny the relationship.
If your Facebook page has zero evidence that you’re in a relationship — no pictures, statuses, links that hint that you’re attached — and your partner wants to be acknowledged, show him/her that you’re proud to be with him/her, and simultaneously let your flirtatious Facebook friends know that certain online behaviors are now officially off-limits, by giving an occasional nod to your significant other.

6. Add his/her friends or family as “friends” before you’ve met them.
This is just creepy.

7. Complain about your partner or make a fight public.
If you’re in a real relationship, have real conversations. Seek conflict resolution in person, not online — and especially not on a Facebook wall. Don’t use Facebook as a place to vent, be passive-aggressive, or to humiliate your partner. Ever.

8. Gush too much. 
You’re in love. That’s great. But use terms of endearment and “I have the best boyfriend in the world!” statuses in moderation. Don’t alienate your loved ones — or incite major eye-rolling — by using Facebook strictly as an excuse to brag about your recent endorphin surge.

9. Post racy pics.
Don’t upload on-vacation bikini shots. Don’t share photos of your new man “just waking up.” Keep it classy. Respect your partner by not seeking attention from others with sexy poses and provocative statuses.

10. Have a shared Facebook profile.
Even if you’re married, the whole “2 become 1″ thing does not apply to Facebook. An old classmate might want to say hi without wondering which of you he’s talking to.


if you believe any of these supremely stupid sex myths, then do the gene pool a favor, and don't engage in activities that could lead to procreation.

The sex myths assembled here are not new. Chances are, you've heard many of them before. They are all patently ridiculous, but that's not why these 12 sex myths are dumb. They're most stupid because, right now, there is someone out there who believes one, some, or all of these utterly moronic, paranoid myths that are either sexist, ignorant, completely insane, or a combination of all three.

So here are popular sex myths that are not even remotely true, along with the facts that should make you feel stupid if this is news to you.

SEX MYTH #1: Men enjoy sex more than women.
FACT: If you're a man, and you believe this, then the truth is that women just don't enjoy sex with you.

SEX MYTH #2: You can judge the size of a man's package by the size of his feet.
FACT: There is no relationship between the size of a man's feet and the size of his genital organs, or so says science.

SEX MYTH #3: Masturbation causes blindness.
FACT: If this were actually true, then no one in the entire world is reading this at this very moment.

SEX MYTH #4: You can get pregnant from kissing.
FACT: It's okay to believe this myth if, like, you're a little kid trying to work out the oftentimes disturbing details of the adult world. If you're an adult and you believe this, then make sure you stuff a fistful of condoms in your mouth before sucking face.

SEX MYTH #5: You can catch an STD from the toilet.
FACT: Sexually transmitted diseases require moist environments to breed. The only thing you can catch from a toilet seat is "poo cooties."

SEX MYTH #6: Men think about sex every seven seconds.
FACT: If men think about sex eight times a minute during a football game, then that changes what that sport is about entirely.
SEX MYTH #7: Women are incapable of having casual sex because they're so emotional.
FACT: Your mom would beg to disagree.
SEX MYTH #8: The average penis is eight inches.
FACT: The average size of a penis is six inches, or 15 centimeters if that makes you feel bigger.
SEX MYTH #9: Green M&M's make you horny.
FACT: This is no more than a little green candy that looks like a pill. Not the prescribed little blue pill that some men eat like candy.
SEX MYTH #10: Sting had "tantric sex" for eight hours straight.
FACT: This is an urban myth. "Tantric sex" can last for hours, but it's more a state of mind than a physical act. The average length of sex is three to seven minutes, or roughly the amount of time it takes to nuke and eat a Hot Pocket.
SEX MYTH #11: Drinking Mountain Dew decreases your sperm count.
FACT: The popular soft drink beverage increases your desire to participate in extreme sports.
SEX MYTH #12: "Blue balls" can be fatal.
FACT: Men can feel pain in their testicles after prolonged episodes of sexual arousal without sexual release. But if this was fatal, then prom night would be followed by mass funerals a few days later.

Why are there so many stupid sex myths in the world? The truth is, people will believe just about anything to get laid. This usually leaves us pathetically unprepared to have sex, thus leaving us vulnerable to believing strange myths that sound like they were invented on the spot by a guy desperate to lose his virginity. And with all the blood and hormones running around in your body like tiny patients in an insane asylum, it's no wonder so many people believe some of the dumb things they're told. Here are our some of our favorites.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

What Really Men Want to Hear from Women

I heard that men are more of the physical creatures and women are more of the mental beasts. Is that true? I cannot speak for the men but I agree that women are more of the mental or emotional ones. Being a woman, I can tell you what men want to hear from women, whether is from a girlfriend or his wife. I think we all can relate to that..- Michael Miu

1) I love you-Even the fact that you are in a relationship or in a marriage, he knows that you love him but he wants to hear it as well. It is reassuring to hear that for men.

2) You are tall, dark, and handsome-In other words, you are hot! Who does not want to hear that?

3) So happy that I found you-He is happy to be with you and wants to know that you are happy too.

4) Thank you- That would mean a lot in different ways. Thank you for being in my life. Thank you for helping out with the chores. Thank you for making me happy, etc.

5) You are special-It better be. Yes, they want to be treated like a king. Hearing that makes him feel Wanted and needed.

6) I wonder what life would be like if we met ten years ago instead of now-Sometimes, men met women in their later years after a divorce and several grown children later. He would have the same question in mind.
We can go on and on. We probably can come up with a dozen more. I think you get the point. In general, men want to hear they are wanted and needed as well as women. I hope you enjoy reading my hub and feel free to give feedback.

Do and what not to Do on a first date.

10 tips for a first date- By

The Inside Out Dating Guide: In a new monthly series, our relationships expert, Sarah Abell looks at issues to do with dating and offers her practical advice. In the second of the Inside Out Dating Guides she looks at what to do and what not to do on a first date. 

A first date is loaded with expectancy – will she/he like me and will I like them? Is this person going to be the “One” or will I want to run for the hills before the starter? Will I do or say the right thing or will I totally embarrass myself? Will we get physical and if so, will there be any chemistry between us? Will we have anything to talk about and if not, how will we get through the evening?
It is definitely possible to think too much about a first date. The key is to relax, enjoy yourself and not to analyse everything too much. Regardless of whether you hit it off, wouldn’t it be great if you could both say that you had a good experience? So, how can you make sure that your first date is the best it can be (even if it turns out to be your only date together)? Here are some suggestions on what to do and what not to do.
Things to do:
1. Chose the venue carefully
If you are doing the choosing, pick somewhere that you know your date will like. Just because you fancy the idea of eating a snake banquet, it doesn’t mean that they will.
A drink in a quiet bar, a quick supper or lunch in a little place you know are great ideas. The advantage of keeping the first date short and simple is that if you don’t like each other, you haven’t got to make it through a seven-course meal together. If you do like each other, you can either extend the date, or plan a longer one for next time. It is always better to leave wanting more.
Try and avoid very noisy places (where you can’t hear each other), cinemas (where you can’t talk), sporting events (unless you know for a fact that they are interested), or your home (because it could be risky if you don’t know them).
If you already know the person and are pretty certain that you both like each other then by all means go for the big romantic gesture. But remember it is possible to overdo things. My husband turned up for our second date with a bottle of wine, flowers and a box of chocolate biscuits, but soon realised he only had two hands and decided to leave the biscuits in the car!
2. Make an effort
Do put your best food forward. Make an effort with your appearance - but not so much of an effort that your date wouldn’t recognise you if they bumped into you in the street the next day.
Making an effort shows that you care and that you want to make a good impression. Unwashed hair, bad hygiene and yesterday’s clothes aren’t likely to win anyone over.
And don’t overdue the alcohol – especially if you have a tendency to become boorish, rude, indiscreet, lecherous, violent or sick when intoxicated.
3. Be kind
Whether you are attracted to the person or not – be kind. It doesn’t cost you anything, and it will make a big difference to the other person’s enjoyment of the date. Being kind also means not lying or giving false hope. Don’t tell someone that you will phone and that you can’t wait to see them again, if you have no intention of following through. 

4. Leave your emotional baggage at home
If you have a huge line in exes, a past addiction to therapy and you still can’t forgive your Dad for missing your sports' day when you were five, keep it to yourself on your first date. Too much emotional baggage, too soon, is never attractive. If you end up in a relationship – you’ll have plenty of opportunity to air your past sexual history, your hang-ups and all your past regrets and mistakes.
A first date, like a first interview, is the time to emphasise your best points not to draw attention to your weaknesses.
However, if your date asks you a direct question, such as, “Have you ever been married?” (or even “Are you married?”) then of course give the true answer.
5. Be yourself
Let the other person see the real you. A first date is not the time to try out being the person you’d like to be, or the person you think your date would like you to be. After all, you don’t want them falling in love with a false version of you. You want someone who likes you for all you are, with your good bits, your not so good bits, your little quirky bits and all the things in between that make you, you.
Things not to do:
6. Don’t dominate the conversation
If you do all the talking – especially about yourself – it will give the impression that you aren’t interested in your date. The other person will feel flattered and special if you take the time to listen to them, ask them questions and draw them out.
I’m not suggesting that you don’t talk about yourself. It is important that the other person has a chance to learn about you, but try and make sure that you are listening as much - or more - than you are talking.
7. Don’t forget your manners
Bad manners aren’t attractive and are likely to irritate your date. Make sure you turn up on time and if you are going to be late for any reason, let them know. Turn off your phone (or put it on silent if you are expecting an urgent call) and remember to say “thank you” if the other person is footing the bill.
You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat the waiters or waitresses and how they react if things don’t go their way in a traffic jam or a queue. So don’t just be polite to your date, be kind to other people too. It will reflect well on you.
8. Don’t pretend to be anything you’re not
In an attempt to impress, it can be tempting to exaggerate, dress up the truth or just plain lie. You may get away with that if you don’t see them again after the first date but if the relationship does last any longer, you may find yourself in a tricky situation later down the line.
So, if you are separated, don’t say you are divorced. If you hate football don’t say that you can’t think of a better way to spend a Saturday afternoon, than cheering on Bristol City. And if you work part-time in a call centre – don’t say you’re something big in communications. Stick with the truth and it will be a lot easier to remember what you said on future dates.
9. Don’t make an instant judgement
Many of us make up our minds as to whether we like someone in the first few seconds or minutes of meeting. But our first impressions can be misleading. Try not to rule people out straight away. Instead, spend some time getting to know them. If you’re not sure about someone, it may take two or three dates before you can really decide.
Try not to be too quick to judge or too fussy or rigid about what you are looking for in a potential partner. I nearly ditched my gorgeous husband on the second date because he was wearing a tight polyester sports top and I’m not a great fan of man-made fibres (apparently I wasn’t meant to see it, but he got too hot under his thick jumper). If you get too restrictive about what you are looking for or if you make up your mind about someone too quickly – you will risk missing out.
10. Don’t rush things
Take time to get to know the other person before getting too emotionally or physically involved with them. Sex is a powerful bonder and if you sleep together on the first date it may blind you to any fundamental problems between you. It helps if you can establish that there’s more to the relationship than just chemistry before ripping off each other’s clothes. We all know people who have had a passionate affair with someone only to “wake up” two months later and realise that they don’t even like the person and that they have nothing in common with them.
Equally, don’t get too emotionally involved too quickly. Saying “I love you” on the first date isn’t romantic – it’s a bit creepy (unless you’ve known them a long time).

The New Speed Sensation For Youth - Renault Duster

Safety needs can never be underestimated. But that’s no excuse for compromising on comfort. It’s a balancing act that the Renault Duster accepts as a challenge and delivers on skillfully. The result is an SUV that marries the comforts of a sedan, to the rugged strength of an off-roader. Take for example, the spacious interiors that complement the grand vistas outside. The 8 way adjustable driver seat means that fatigue has a much lesser chance of overtaking you on a long drive.
Tilt steering allows you to find the most comfortable driving position. There’s even a rear AC with independent controls for rear seat passengers. What’s more, the new Renault Duster is also one of the safest places to be. The high seating position offers you a better view of the road. Both the active and passive safety features are always hard at work, ensuring every drive is totally safe

Girls are ready to experiment with different styles, designs and fashions.

College Gals latest dressing trends

With the reopening of colleges, girls are ready to experiment with different styles, designs and fashions.  Introduction of campus styles is the following narration

Jeans are changing with the times and acquiring a new look and are the hot favorites of the girls. T-Shirts, denim skirts, three fourth pants with embroidery work and tears in them are the new attractions.  Fashions are the variety of life in the rainy reason.  T-shirts on jeans, with animal prints, famous person’s photos, and funny, catchy one liner  are the new trends.  Jackets with juju pictures printed and jackets designed with a knot at the waist are the new trends.

Netted Fashion
Netted fashions are super hit with the college going girls, which are transparent at shoulder, neck and waist.  Netted designs at the hands of churidards, necks of t-shirts are hot with the college going girls. Blouses with netted cloth at the back are becoming a fashion.  This trend is fast catching up.
Harem Pants

Students who want to spend time happily are going for these harem pants.  These pants look like a balloon from waist to ankle. Very comfortable and can be worn to look traditional as well as modern.  Can be worn with both kurthas  or t-shirts and tops.  Scarf gives a better look.  Apt  for fresher parties.

Polka dots
Knee length gowns in light material are the new favorites of girls.  Pastel shades are their choice.  Frocks on leggings is fast catching up.  Tunics on three fourth pants is the trend.  Gowns with  floral  and Polka dots  designs are mesmerizing.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Look great without makeup

If there ever were a time to set your makeup aside, summer is it. Laid-back days and long holidays seem all the better without the need for blush or mascara. Still, going bare does require a few pointers to look good and channel that glow-y radiance. Makeup artist and natural pro Carmindy show us how it's done here.

Good Brows Go A Long Way

“Have perfectly groomed brows,” says Carmindy. Defined arches frame your face, pulling your features into focus. “If you’ve over-plucked, use Revitabrow to help grow in the sparse areas.”

Scrub with Sugar

“Keep skin smooth by exfoliating regularly with a cleanser mixed with a pinch of plain granular white sugar. Lightly massage it on in the shower—it’s the best exfoliant around for eliminating dead skin,” says Carmindy.

Glow on Your Own
“Apply a nice facial self tanner that will even the skin tone and keep it looking radiant, even if you’re not wearing a drop of makeup,” explains Carmindy
Shed Some Light on Things

“Keep skin hydrated with a sheer moisturizer that has light-reflecting properties. This is the secret to keeping your skin moist and glowy on its own,” notes Carmindy.

Put Mascara on Hold
“To make your lashes look longer, fuller and darker without mascara, comb through a glossy coat of Vaseline,” says Carmindy. “Or give a lash-enhancer like Latisse a try!
Perk Up Your Eyes

Subtle trick that wakes up your whole face? “Keep the white of your eyes clear with redness-reducing drops, like Visine,” says Carmindy.

 Prime and Perfect

 “Use a facial sunscreen and primer in one, like Chantecaille SPF Primer. It leaves skin fully protected, soft and smooth with a healthy sheen,” says Carmindy.

White Ideas

“A whiter smile helps your face look young and luminous, so keep teeth bright with strips or a professional treatment at the dentist,” recommends Carmindy.

Gadgets That Won't Be Around In 2020

Video Game Consoles

Popular video game systems such as the Wii, PlayStation and Xbox may still be in homes next decade, but they will look much different. Rather than buy a separate console, Enderle expects that consumers will instead buy smart televisions with a gaming system built into it, not to mention tablets and smartphones that will continue to ramp up their gaming options.
“It looks like analog game systems won’t make it until the end of the decade,” Enderle says. “You are already seeing the Wii have a tough time holding on to the market and PlayStation has been struggling for a while.”
The gaming systems that will succeed in the future will be those that manage to move away from being focused solely on video games and more on other entertainment options such as movies, evolving from a traditional game console into more of a set-top box

Recordable CDs and DVDs

Using CDs and DVDs to view and store content will soon be a thing of the past.
“CDs are clearly not going to make it over the next 10 years because everything will shift over to pure digital distribution, so all those shiny discs will be gone,” Bajarin says. This will be due in part to more streaming options for music and movies and a greater reliance on digital downloads, combined with more efficient storage options for consumers, including USB drives, external hard drives and of course the cloud.
“All a CD is is a medium for distribution of content … and within 10 years, you won’t need a physical transport medium,” Bajarin says.

A couple discovered a huge python hitching a ride in their car.

A couple discovered a huge python hitching a ride in their car. The slithery squatter sneaked underneath the bonnet of Marlene Swart and Leon Swanepoel's car while they were on holiday at the Kruger National Park in South Africa. They were on the look-out for lions when the five-metre python shot out of the grass and disappeared under their car. When the snake failed to reappear Marlene and Leon were forced to endure a three-mile journey knowing the python was somewhere inside their vehicle before arriving at the nearest lookout point.

Deepest ‘proper’ man-made hole- The Mir diamond mine

The Mir diamond mine in Siberia is the deepest ‘proper’ man-made hole. It’s 525m deep and 1,200m across. There’s a no-fly zone above it because the downdraft created by the hole had caused several helicopters to crash.

Amazing Temple - Bali’s Tanah Lot Sea Temple

Bali’s Tanah Lot Sea Temple

Tanah Lot is a rock formation off the Indonesian island of Bali. It is home of a pilgrimage temple, the Pura Tanah Lot (literally “Tanah Lot temple”), and a popular tourist and cultural icon. Located in Tabanan, about 20 kilometres (12 mi) from Denpasar, the temple sits on a large offshore rock which has been shaped continuously over the years by the ocean tide. Tanah Lot is claimed to be the work of the 15th-century priest Nirartha.

The temple i
s one of seven sea temples around the Balinese coast. Each of the sea temples were established within eyesight of the next to form a chain along the south-western coast. In 1980, the temple’s rock face was starting to crumble and the area around and inside the temple started to become dangerous. The Japanese government provided a loan to the Indonesian government (approximately USD $130 million) to conserve the historic temple and other significant locations around Bali. As a result, over one third of Tanah Lot’s ‘rock’ is actually cleverly disguised artificial rock.

Photographer: Fabio Gismondi

Amazing 3D Art!

Important Tips for Good Health !

Science at work - The LifeStraw.

Science at work - The LifeStraw.


The LifeStraw removes at least of 99.99999% of waterborne bacteria and can filter up to 1000L of water.

Throughout the world, an estimated 884 million people still do not have access to clean sources of water. According to the LifeStraw manufacturers, the device contains no chemicals or batteries and makes it possible to drink safely from any river, lake or puddle.

Indian Army vs Pakistan Army

Indian Army vs Pakistan Army

Trying to find out differences between two armies is a difficult task as one can easily talk about in numbers but the quality of the armies is difficult to gauge and is demonstrated only during a war. India and Pakistan have lived like adversaries ever since they got independence in 1947 from the British rule. The very fact that India chose the path of democracy and Pakistan chose to become an Islamic state has led to skirmishes and full blown wars between the two countries in 1948, 1965, 1971 and 1999. Both countries are today nuclear with India having adopted a no first use doctrine.
With the recent assassination of dreaded terrorist Osama bin Laden in Pakistan, and army chief of India saying that India too is capable of such surgical strikes, tensions between the traditional foes have escalated. It is in this sense that it becomes prudent to make a fair assessment of the capabilities of the armies of these two neighbors.
Before we move to count the strength of the two armies, it is pertinent to point out that India has a well developed defense program and has been manufacturing modern weapons while Pakistan is totally relying on the US, North Korea and China for its arms supplies. India on the other hand has been securing modern armory from various sources such as Russia, US, UK, France, Germany, Sweden, and Israel.
Indian army is the 2nd largest in the world in terms of numbers while Pakistan has the 7th largest army in the world at present. India has 1300000 active troops whereas Pakistan has 550000 active soldiers. In addition, India has 1200000 reserve troops with strength of 200000 in Territorial Army. Pakistan’s army strength goes up to more than 900000 if we include navy (25000), Air Force (50000), Paramilitary forces (300000), and coast Guards.
Indian Air Force has around 3500 aircrafts of which 1300 are light combat aircrafts that operate from 61 air bases. This makes Indian Air Force fourth largest in the world. Indian aircrafts are mostly Russian and French such as MIG, Mirage, and Sukhoi with work in progress on the development of new aircrafts in HAL. India also has ground attack aircrafts, reconnaissance aircrafts, UAV’s and helicopters. In comparison, Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has about 550 combat aircrafts operating out of 9 airbases. Its fighters are mostly US and Chinese in origin. It also has transport aircrafts though it lacks UAV and reconnaissance aircrafts.
It was the loss of Bangladesh in 1971 that Pakistan paid attention to its navy capabilities and gradually increased its naval fleet that today boasts of submarines, destroyers, frigates, patrol, and mine warfare boats. Pakistan Navy operates from a sole naval base at Karachi. On the other hand, Indian Navy is indigenous in nature and it has many bases at Vishakhapattanam, Mumbai, Goa, and Andaman Islands.
It is in the context of missiles that India is ahead of Pakistan with a full blown indigenous program whereas Pakistan is dependent upon North Korea and China for its ballistic missile needs. 

                                               In brief:

Indian Army vs Pakistan Army 
• Both Indian and Pakistan forces match out evenly when it comes to nuclear and missile fronts but India seems to have superiority in terms of conventional forces.
• Pak Navy is smaller and has no aircraft carrier while Indian navy is much superior with various ships including aircraft carriers.

Samsung Galaxy S IV - Full Phone Specifications

Unofficial preliminary specifications.
General                 2G Network       GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
                3G Network       HSDPA 850 / 900 / 1900 / 2100
                4G Network       LTE
                SIM       Micro-SIM
                Announced       Exp. announcement 2013, Q1
                Status       Rumored. Exp. release 2013, Q2
Body                     Dimensions
Display                  Type         Super AMOLED capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors
                 Size         1080 x 1920 pixels, 5.0 inches (~441 ppi pixel density)
                 Multitouch         Yes
                 Protection         Corning Gorilla Glass 2
        TouchWiz UI
Sound                   Alert types     Vibration; MP3, WAV ringtones
                Loudspeaker     Yes
                3.5mm jack     Yes
Memory                Card slot           microSD, up to 64 GB
               Internal           16 GB storage, 2 GB RAM
Data                                                   GPRS Yes
                      EDGE Yes
                     Speed HSDPA, 42.2 Mbps; HSUPA, 5.76 Mbps; LTE, Cat3, 50 Mbps UL, 100 Mbps DL
                     WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, dual-band, DLNA, Wi-Fi Direct, Wi-Fi hotspot
                     Bluetooth Yes, v4.0 with A2DP, EDR
                     NFC Yes
                     USB Yes, microUSB v2.0 (MHL), USB On-the-go
Camera Features        Primary 13 MP, autofocus, LED flash
                                        Simultaneous HD video and image recording, geo-tagging, touch focus, face and smile detection, image stabilization, HDR
       Video Yes, 1080p@30fps
       Secondary Yes
Features               OS         Android OS, v4.2 (Jelly Bean)
              Chipset         Exynos 5450 Quad
              CPU         Quad-core 2 GHz Cortex-A15
              Sensors         Accelerometer, gyro, proximity, compass, barometer
              Messaging         SMS(threaded view), MMS, Email, Push Mail, IM, RSS
              Browser         HTML5, Adobe Flash
              GPS         Yes, with A-GPS support and GLONASS
              Java         Yes, via Java MIDP emulator
              Colors         Titanium Gray, Sapphire Black
      - S-Voice natural language commands and dictation
      - Smart Stay eye tracking
      - Dropbox (50 GB storage)
      - Active noise cancellation with dedicated mic
      - TV-out (via MHL A/V link)
      - SNS integration
      - MP4/DivX/XviD/WMV/H.264/H.263 player
      - MP3/WAV/eAAC+/AC3/FLAC player
      - Organizer
      - Image/video editor
      - Document viewer (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF)
      - Google Search, Maps, Gmail,
        YouTube, Calendar, Google Talk, Picasa
      - Voice memo/dial/commands
      - Predictive text input (Swype)
Battery           Li-Ion battery
                 Talk time

Sunday, 13 January 2013

11 Smart way to make money from Facebook

1- My Own Store- Zazzle is an innovative website where you can make money selling T-shirts and other customizable items. It allows you to create and design any product on their site (which is free) and sell them on your Facebook page. Think about the potential buyer base for customized T-shirts, hats, etc, specially if you have a lot of Facebook friends. You can also sell products created by other artists and earn a commission on those. So, even if you don’t want to deal with designing, you have a way to earn extra cash using Facebook with the help of this app.
2- Cafe Press- It’s the same idea as Zazzle, but with a much bigger and well known online store. Cafe press lets you easily sell any product from anti Obama Shirts to pro Obama Shirts and everything in between on your Facebook page and make money, whether it was created by you or someone else.

3- Ether- Ether is a website where you can make money answering questions asked by different people. But now, you can use their new application on Facebook to make money while giving advice to people over the phone. If you’re good at giving advice, this may be the way for you to make some extra money on Facebook. Also if you know a second language, this app makes it easy to teach others and make money. You set the rates and Ether provides a number that individuals can call. The call will then be forwarded to your personal telephone number.

4- Music Blaster- With MusicBlaster you can put a simple little music store on your Facebook page and sell music from You earn 5% for each song sold. The cool think about this app is the fact that you can help your favorite band or singer sell more of their music and gain more exposure while you earn some extra money.
5- Garage Sale- The name says it all, it’s the good old Garage Sale, but a Facebook style Garage Sale. Simply add Garage Sale to your profile page and list everything you want to sell. When someone buys something, Garage Sale automatically bills the buyer’s credit card and lets you know when to ship the item. Your money is deposited directly into your PayPal account, or if you prefer, you can request payment by check. However, they do charge a 5% commission on the total sales price, but that’s all. No other fee for setup or anything like that.

6- Shop it- Shop it is a free Social Commerce Network that gives users the ability to buy, sell or trade any product or service. Simply add a free store to your Facebook account and sell anything you like.

7- FlameTunes- FT was founded in 2007 by an Iranian-American named Nima Khakpour. This app is geared more towards artists as it helps them sell their music. So, if you are an artist, FlameTunes enables you to sell your music on your Facebook. You can also use it to make money on MySpace as well.

8- Lemonade- Remember when you setup your first lemonade stand in your community?… Well, this app allows you to use the same concept, combining commerce and community and have a lemonade stand in a digital (Facebook) neighborhood. Basically, you add what you want to sell to a lemonade stand and put it on your Facebook. It’s free and easy.

9- eBay - Who knew that was coming! Yep, you guessed it, you can now have eBay on Facebook. This application allows you to add eBay auction listings to your Profile. Sell things to your Facebook friends, from crafts and jewelry to diary pages, undies and dinner dates to whatever else you’re selling on eBay! You also have the option to add an auction where the proceeds go to a charity of you choice. I think it’s a very smart way to combine eBay and Facebook. The best part is that you don’t even need an eBay Account to get this app going on Facebook.

10- Lending Club- It’s almost like prosper where you land money to others and make money with the interest you make from the loan. Not to worry though, lending club has all the details covered. It’s completely safe and the whole legal and trust issues are taken care of by lending club. If you can use it safely, it can be a good way to make money with your Facebook.

11- eBay Auction- Buy, sell or trade anything. Auction your used or new stuff. With e3buy you can open a customized store, upload your logo and start selling things. Unlike eBay, there is no commission or fee to be paid. It’s completely free to use and it is also fully integrated with PayPal, so you can get paid fast.